When Cheryl Mills, owner of BM Flooring in Norwood, MA; saw how handy our Fodeez® Frames can be when used with a calendar, she knew she had the makings of a business promotion that would keep her brand front and center with her customers.
"I see the custom Fodeez® Frames as a way to not only remind our customers of our brand, but as a way to also reach the people my customers know," says Cheryl. Her goal is for customers of BM Flooring to place the Fodeez Frame on their refrigerator.
Calendar or Photo Frame?
Although she includes calendar printouts of the next 3 months with her giveaway, Mills understands her customers may choose to display a photo behind the frame instead.
"No matter what's displayed, I'm hoping friends and family will see our brand on the refrigerator, and that will spark a conversation about our business and how nice the owner's floor looks," Cheryl says. "Our goal is for others to see our name on the fridge, and they will want us to install new flooring for them."
Out with the Old, in with the New
We applaud Cheryl for recognizing how much more versatile our calendars are than traditional promotional calendars.
This helpful chart shows how much more value you'd get for your promotional dollars by using a Fodeez Frame as a customer giveaway:
Too Soon to Tell
While the promotion has just begun, Cheryl is hopeful she'll see a return on her investment. So far, she handed out 10 during a training last week, and the rest will be left behind on site after each floor installation.
Our fingers are crossed for big sales for Cheryl and BM Flooring!