Attachments for Blog Post - 3 Websites Entrepreneurs Should Be Using to Save Time & Money

I couldn't figure out how to create attachments for my blog post, so I thought this was the next best option.  Unfortunately, my paragraph formats didn't transfer over.  I kept the indentations, though, so you'd have an idea of my thought process. Website Redesign Requirements

  1. Re-design home page

    1. Design similar to:

      1. Navigation:

      2. How it Works:

  • Style:
  1. Fix navigation
    1. Menu items:
      1. Shop
      2. Why Fodeez
      3. Solvers
      4. Press
      5. Stores
    2. Navigation
      1. Landing Page for each Collection
        1. “Shop” should include landing page for
          1. Shop by Size
            1. Should include just 1 image for each of 5 sizes
          2. Shop by Design
            1. Should show image for each collection
          3. Fix pop-up menu similar to



  1. Create template for “Pages”
  2. Create template for “Product Pages”
  3. Need ability to offer BOGO coupons.
    1. One coupon per customer (I don’t see that feature in Shopify right now).

Fodeez® Frames Target Markets

  • Consumers

    1. Moms looking to organize kids’ photos and schedules.

      1. What matters to them?

        1. Simple, quick, easy-to-use and durable (reusable hundreds of times)

        2. Must look good – pretty, cute, yet functional

  1. Grandparents typically looking to post photos in their RV to make it feel more like home.
    1. What matters to them?
      1. Reusable, must not fall off or damage the surface
      2. Should look like actual frames.
    2. Moms using for special events such as birthdays, weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs.
      1. What matters to them?
        1. Unique concept
        2. Fully customizable
        3. Guests will love!
  • Businesses
    1. Use solid color (most often black 8.5x11) to enhance signage within their business.
      1. What matters to them?
        1. Ease of use
        2. Aesthetic looks good – more professional/organized look
        3. Cost effective – saves time and energy as opposed to laminating
      2. Used as a promotional giveaway with company brand on the frame area.
        1. What matters to them?
          1. Will their target customer use it?
          2. Brand visibility – customizable
          3. High quality
          4. High customer perceived value
  • Schools
    1. Use in schools to post signs
      1. What matters to them?
        1. Low cost
        2. Reusable – investment that can be re-used.
        3. Effectiveness – will they do what they’re supposed to do?
      2. Use dry erase capabilities to help students learn. Turn any worksheet into dry erase board.
        1. What matters to them?
          1. Low cost.
          2. Does the dry erase wipe off?
          3. Reusable – is it worth the investment
          4. Saves paper. Only need to print out one worksheet since students can wipe the worksheet clean and use again.

Ecommerce Website Questionnaire

Basic information

 Q: Do you currently have a website? If so please tell us the website address.


Q: Which domain will you be using for this new project (e.g. will you use your existing website domain or will you be using a different domain name?)

A:  same

Q: Please tell us about your eBusiness Store .

A: See attached marketing plan

Q: How long have you been in business?

A: 11 years, but only selling this product since 2013.

Q: What type of products being sold?

A: Peel & stick display frames

Q: Who are your competitors?



Q: Do you have a logo designed

A: yes

Q: How many informational pages (i.e. about/contact us/services/etc...) do you need? Please send us the content for each with this document.

A: Can be seen on current website, but need to add a page for “Press” or “In the News”

Q: Please let me know if you have sitemap for the pages?

Ex: Home | About | Contact etc…

A: N/A

 Q: Please list 3 websites you like as inspiration for your own site. What elements do you like?

A: I like the clean look and the explanation of how the product works. well organized and easy to shop.

 Q: Do you have any particular preference for color (Red, White, Black etc…)?

A: PMS 321, RGB: 0, 139, 149

Q: Do you have a preference for the type of navigation? Do you prefer horizontal menus across the top of the page or vertical menus down the side?

A: Horizontal drop downs


 Q: Approximately, how many products will you have on the website?

A:  about 60 variations right now

 Q: Approximately how many product categories will you have?

A:  I need “Shop by Size” and “Shop by Design”

 Q: How many sub categories?

A: Size: 5, Theme: Approximately 10, and that changes




Q: Do you have the product CSV/xls file (product details) ready to import in the ecommerce store? Please send the file back with this document back to us asap to get started. If you need any help with it please let us know.

A:  I can send tomorrow.


Q: How will you charge for shipping products? E.g. Flat rate for all orders, by weight, by price. Or are you going to use UPS or FEDEX?

A:  Currently set up, although I need to integrate my UPS account.




Q: Have you decided which payment gateway(s) you will be using? E.g. PayPal,, Google Checkout etc . Please send us the access details

A: Already set up unless you have suggestions for better rates.